Microsoft Power BI Desktop 是Power BI隨附的桌面應用程式。 您可以使用 Power BI Desktop: 取得資料 Power BI Desktop 可讓您輕鬆地探索資料。您可以從各種資料來源匯入資料。連接到資料來源之後,您可以依照您的分析及報告需求重整資料。 利用新量值及資料格式建立關聯性並豐富您的資料模型 ...
Download the latest versions of Power BI from Microsoft Power Platform. Create insightful reports, dashboards, and more with Power BI.
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Baixe as versões mais recentes do Power BI do Microsoft Power Platform. Crie relatórios perspicazes, painéis e muito mais com o Power BI.
Power BI-rapportserver (PBIRS) er en rapportserver i det lokale miljø med en webportal, hvor du kan få vist og administrere rapporter og KPI'er. Sammen med det kommer værktøjerne til at oprette Power BI-rapporter, sideinddelte rapporter, mobilrapporter og KPI'er. Dine ...
Hi guys, I am using a Macbook Pro and am hoping to use Microsoft Power BI to run analytics for my small business. Is there a way for me to download
Develop reports with Microsoft Power BI DP-605T00 - Training Power BI allows you to easily connect to and present your data in an interactive report, so you can make data-driven decisions. Learn how to connect to data, transform and shape data, and create interactive visuals in a Power ...
Learn how to easily download and install Power BI, Microsoft's Business Intelligence solution, on your computer with our step-by-step guide.
Power BI Desktop offers impressive features that makedata analysismore intuitive and insightful. Users canconnect to multiple data sources, includingMicrosoft Excel,SQL Server, cloud services, and APIs. Thedrag-and-dropfunctionality simplifies report creation, allowing users to build custom dashboards wi...
Microsoft Power BI Desktop Download 64-Bit/32-Bit Windows 10 In addition, you can free download Power BI Desktop via the link given by Microsoft and let’s see how to do it: Step 1: Visit the page ofDownload Microsoft Power BI Desktop. ...