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A security issue has been identified leading to a vulnerability in MFC applications that are built with Visual Studio 2010 and ship the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package.
O Visual C++ Redistributable instala bibliotecas de tempo de execução Microsoft C e C++ (MSVC). Muitos aplicativos criados usando ferramentas Microsoft C e C++ exigem essas bibliotecas. Se seu aplicativo usa essas bibliotecas, um pacote Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable deve ser instalado no...
I tried to restore the preferences, reinstallation and even checked my host file in C:\Windows\System32\driver\etc to certify the adobe addresses weren't placed to the local host address ( Still, when I try to download it by clicking on the cloud icon o...
I tried to restore the preferences, reinstallation and even checked my host file in C:\Windows\System32\driver\etc to certify the adobe addresses weren't placed to the local host address ( Still, when I try to download it by clicking on the cloud icon or the download ...
O pacote redistribuível do Microsoft .NET Framework 4 instala os ficheiros de tempo de execução do .NET Framework e associados que são necessários para executar e oprogramar as aplicações que visam o .NET Framework 4.