I wish I could stop Anaconda and Windows 10 from putting environments into any directories other than "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs". This is super-annoying, because then I have to hunt for them. This is one of the biggest reasons I don't use pip-based environments unless it is absolut...
openpyxl==3.1.2 ipywidgets==8.0.5 ipydatagrid==1.1.15 ipyleaflet==0.17.2 geojson==3.0.1 ipympl==0.9.3 textwrap3==0.9.2 geopy==2.3.0 lxml==4.9.2 black==23.1.0 jupyterlab-language-pack-zh-CN==3.6.post1 jupyterlab-language-pack-fr-FR==3.6.post1 jupyterlab-language-pack-es-ES...
Introduction Building Python Script Script Deployment on Linux Script Deployment on Windows Python MCQ Python MCQ Python MCQ Part 2 Related Tutorials NumPy Tutorial Django Tutorial Flask Tutorial Pandas Tutorial Pytorch Tutorial Pygame Tutorial Matplotlib Tutorial OpenCV Tutorial Openpyxl Tutorial Python...
colorama –makes ANSI escape character sequences work under MS Windows terminals ipdb –the IPython debugger openpyxl –a library to read/write Excel .xlsx and .xlsm files plac –a command line argument parser requests –an HTTP library for Python setuptools –library for setup.py termcolor –...