The object of the Third Voyage was to open up trade in the Red Sea and at Surat. Hawkins, who was one of the captains, had a letter from James I asking for the grant of liberty of trade and the right to build a factory at Surat. To circumvent obstruction from the local port ...
Each of the fiv e entrances w as protected by tw o mas sive stone t hoga e- uses, w ith the exception of Potter-gate, w here the h ill er ndered more th an one n eedless. steep en ss of the The gates ew re TP— Broad ow er. of Ch oir. U ONC LIV. m Omh i ) 15 ...
It would have been easier to tow the great vessel had the crab been attached to her bow, but a ram which extended many feet under water rendered it dangerous for a sub merged vessel to attach itself in its vicinity. During the night the repeller kept company, although at a considerable ...
including a 1966 letter from East Germany written by South African author, William "Bloke" Modisane; an analysis of the East German university system written by a Chinese Red Guard at the height of the Cultural Revolution; and a reflection on the monuments of East German socialism by Cuban po...
Clearly, the null hypothesis is that there is only one generative component in language. Since there is no doubt about the generative capacity of syntax, the introduction of generative mechanisms in morphology and the lexicon is redun- dant. Of course, the adoption of the lexicalist hypothesis ...