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40) Hkkjrh; laLd`fr esa isM+ ikS/kksa ,oa ouLifr;ksa dk lkfgfR;d--- MkW- tsck bLyke] bykgkckn || 195 ... 41) Hkkjr esa efgyk ekuokf/kdkj% ,sfrgkfld] lao
Contravention to the Port Rules and Regulations will be subject to heavy penalty Cars (automobiles, trucks): Passenger cars, buses and light loaded-trucks imported to the KSA must not exceed 5 years of age and heavy trucks must not exceed 10 years of age. As for the antique cars of 30 ...
18 King Abdullah University of Science & Technology Booth 22 Contact: Red Sea Research Center Info 4700 King Abdullah University Thuwal KSA 26955 Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 02 8082425 Email: RSRC.Info@KAUST.EDU.SA Web: http://rsrc.kaust.edu.sa/pages/home.aspx Our primary focus is developing a...