MongoDB Community Server MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator Download Kubernetes Operators are application-specific controllers that extend the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage instances of stateful applications such as databases. Using the MongoDB Kubernetes operator, you have full control...
Thank you for your interest in MongoDB Community and Ops Manager. You can download installation packages below. Please note that for those who are not yet MongoDB customers, download and use constitutes acceptance of the Customer Agreement.
运行成功之后,我们打开浏览器,输入127.0.0.1:27017,看到如下图,就说明MongoDB服务已经成功启动了。 第二句加入系统服务和指定log路径命令:mongod --bind_ip --logpath D:\InstallPack\mongodb\data\logs\mongo.log --logappend --dbpath D:\InstallPack\mongodb\data\db --port 27017 --serviceName...
方法2、在命令提示符中输入mongo.exe的绝对路径打开,比如我的mongoDB.exe所在位置为C:\360Downloads\MongoDB\server4.2\bin,我就键入该路径C:\360Downloads\MongoDB\server4.2\bin\mongo即可连接实例,打开MongoDB shell。 方法3、在如下所述设置后,启动服务后就可以直接输入mongo打开。 在使用前两个方法时,每次都...
MongoDB for Windows 64-bit Legacy适合 64 位的 Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, 及 Windows Server 2008 。 根据你的系统下载 32 位或 64 位的 .msi 文件,下载后双击该文件,按操作提示安装即可。 安装过程中,你可以通过点击 "Custom(自定义)" 按钮来设置你的安装目录。
下载地址 2、安装 修改默认安装位置,点击Browse 更换安装位置,其他不动。点击next 默认安装配置和路径,启动MongoDB服务服务时,会先检查db目录下是否有所需的文件、文件夹,没有就自动创建, 3、启动MongoDB ...
MongoDB Compass, the GUI for MongoDB, is the easiest way to explore and manipulate your data. Download for free for dev environments.
Thank you for your interest in BI Connector. You can download installation packages below. Please note that for those who are not yet MongoDB customers, download and use constitutes acceptance of the Customer Agreement.
MongoDB AtlasMongoDB Enterprise Advanced MongoDB Enterprise ServerMongoDB Ops ManagerMongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator MongoDB Community Edition MongoDB Community ServerMongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator Tools MongoDB ShellMongoDB Compass (GUI)Atlas CLIAtlas Kubernetes OperatorMongoDB CLI for Cloud Ma...
MongoDB Community Edition MongoDB Community ServerMongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator Tools MongoDB ShellMongoDB CompassAtlas CLIAtlas Kubernetes OperatorMongoDB CLI for Cloud Manager and Ops ManagerMongoDB Cluster-to-Cluster SyncMongoDB Database ToolsMongoDB Connector for BI ...