and knock out the kompetition in Faction Wars. Each fighter has a set of unique attacks, like Sindel’s Banshee Scream, and Kabal’s Dash and Hook. Strategize with different team combinations such as the MK11 team or Day of the Dead team to maximize synergies and get an advantage over yo...
The MK11 team is extremely versatile, packed with unique abilities, and powerful team synergies to inflict pain onto your enemies. The MK11 collection includes MK11 Raiden, Scorpion, Jade, Sub-Zero, Kabal, and Skarlet, and they are just as deadly as their console counterparts! They even perform...
So I tried MK11 and what do you know same issue, no DSR values ingame just like on old 980ti. dx11 or dx12.. -Tj-, Feb 3, 2023 #191 Blackfyre Maha Guru Messages: 1,413 Likes Received: 421 GPU: RTX 3090 ManuelG said: ↑ Some additional questions: 1. Does this happen ...