一、场景描述今天编写了一个demo,使用maven编译打包成jar包,执行"java -jar"命令,报如下错误E:\111\testdea0010\target>java -jar testdea0010-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jarException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/opensourcedea java -jar classpath Class-Path 可执行jar包 拷贝项目依赖包到lib下 ...
① maven解析依赖信息时会到本地仓库中取查找被依赖的jar包 对于本地仓库中没有的会去中央仓库去查找maven坐标来获取jar包,获取到jar之后会下载到本地仓库 对于中央仓库也找不到依赖的jar包的时候,就会编译失败了 ② 如果依赖的是自己或者团队开发的maven工程,需要先使用install命令把被依赖的maven工程的jar包导入到...
maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ antlr-master --- [INFO] [INFO] ---< org.antlr:antlr-runtime >--- [INFO] Building ANTLR 3 Runtime 3.5.3-SNAPSHOT [2/8] [INFO] ---[ jar ]--- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ antlr-runtime ...
The artifact includes jar, sources and native .so library (Linux x64 only) #Usage The java library can be simply used as any other regular Maven dependency: pom.xml <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.rxtx</groupId> <artifactId>rxtx</artifactId> <version>2.2pre2</version> </...
1. Maven eclipse plugin: Maven dependencies that are deployed with the source and javadocs can be downloaded and attached to the Eclipse library by using maven-eclipse-plugin. It can be done by: passing command-line argument to the maven-eclipse-plugin, or ...
一直开在下载 fastutil-7.2.0.jar 原因是需要FQ。那么改一下你的buil.gradle buildscript{repositories{maven{ url="http://maven.aliyun.com/nexus/content/groups/public/"} google() jcenter() }dependencies{ classpath'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.1.2'//NOTE:Do not place your application dependenci...
If you want to be able to access your artifact across different stages in your pipeline, you can now publish your artifact in one stage and then download it in the next stage leveraging dependencies. See Stage to stage dependencies for more details....
mvn install:install-file -DrepositoryId=java.net -Durl=http://download.java.net/maven/2/ -Dfile=robo-guice-0.4-20091121.174618-1.jar -DpomFile=robo-guice-0.4-20091121.174618-1.pom -DgroupId=robo-guice -DartifactId=robo-guice -Dversion=0.4-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar ...
I see, I only use artifact:dependencies ,also can downloading dependency jar,and faster <targetname="maven-test"><artifact:pomid="feilongMaven"file="pom.xml"/><artifact:dependenciesfilesetId="feilong.maven.dependencies.fileset"pathid="feilong.maven.dependencies.runtime"useScope="runti...
Using a build tool like Maven, Gradle, etc., where we are not required to put the manual efforts as mentioned above, rather put such requirements into a build file, ex, pom.xml in case of maven which downloads the external JAR requirements and other such dependencies during project executio...