當您按一下這個頁面底端的「安裝 Download Director」時,會出現一個對話框。選取使用Java(TM) Web Start Launcher來開啟,並按一下「確定」。 如果您無法選取 Java(TM) Web Start Launcher,您可能需要先安裝 Java。 請遵循公司程序來安裝 Java,或者如果公司允許,請移至https://java.com以下載並安裝 Java 8。
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JavaExe makes it possible to launch yourJavaapplication starting from an .exe as if it ... is possible to provide a JRE with theJavaapplication so that it operates regardless of the ... Price: FREE / Freeware reliableuser-friendlyJava application launcherlaunchefficientpowerfulDev Wizardstartsoftw...
Export your favorite YouTube videos and playlists with this intuitive, lightweight program, built to facilitate downloading clips from the popular website % discount ShareX ShareX Windows Sandbox Launcher 4k Video Downloader Zoom Workplace (formerly Zoom Client) calibre Microsoft ...
Note that because one can not rely on users having a JRE installed, you must create a custom installer for each platform that you plan to support (Windows, macOS, Linux) that installs a JRE, the Getdown launcher jar file, a stub configuration file that identifies the URL at which your ...
A powerful, open source web browser engine that can be used by developers to easily design and bui... Feb 24th 2025, 12:44 GMT macOS 14.0 or later 397 downloads 3.6 MB Charmstone 1.36 Clever application launcher/switcher that brings up a customizable shortcut palette at the cursor'... ...
Play any Minecraft version with Pojav Launcher ⬇️ Install free Pojav Launcher and start using now ✅ Check instructions and the latest news here ✅ The necessary tool for gamers
Download: The app can be downloaded from the official website or FileHorse. Installation: After downloading the launcher, execute the installation file and follow the on-screen instructions. The process is simple and does not require any complex configurations. First Launch: Upon opening the FTB L...
NirLauncher is a suite of all NirSoft's portable tools. Currently, the package contains over 200 tools. WinNTSetup 64-Bit 5.4.1[ 2024-12-29 | 2 MB |Freeware | 11|10|8|7 | 1793 | 5 ] WinNTSetup is a powerful tool designed to enable users to customize their Windows operating system...