Azure.Containers.ContainerRegistry.dll Package: Azure.Containers.ContainerRegistry v1.1.1 Source: DownloadRegistryBlobStreamingResult.cs The result from downloading a blob from the registry. C# publicclassDownloadRegistryBlobStreamingResult:IDisposable ...
程序集: Azure.Containers.ContainerRegistry.dll 包: Azure.Containers.ContainerRegistry v1.1.1 Source: ContainerRegistryModelFactory.Content.cs 初始化 DownloadRegistryBlobResult(String, BinaryData) 的新实例。 C# 复制 public static Azure.Containers.ContainerRegistry.DownloadRegistry...
AzureContainerApp AzureContainerAppEnvironment AzureContainerRegistry AzureContainerServices AzureCopyService AzureCosmosDB AzureCosmosDBEmulator AzureDataLakeStorage AzureDevOps AzureDisks AzureEventGridSubscription AzureFunctionsApp AzureKeyVault AzureKubernetesService AzureLogAnalyticsWorkspaces AzureMachineLearningWorkspac...
For details, see theOracle Container Registry. Run the Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Container Image with Docker Contains Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 21c running on Oracle Linux 7. Ideal for macOS, Linux, and other platforms. Use the following pull command for the latest: ...
Simplify the development of your multi-container applications from Docker CLI to Amazon EKS and Serverless. Seamlessly bring container applications from your local machine and run them in Azure Container Instances. Easily distribute and share Docker images with the JFrog Artifactory image repository and...
Find the following registry key: \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\.NETFramework\Security\TrustManager\PromptingLevel If the key does not exist, create it. Add the following subkeys as String Value, if they do not already exist, with the associated values shown in the following table. ...
Click “Uninstall” again. Uninstall .NET from wizard When removed, clickClose. Close the .NET uninstallation wizard Ending thoughts .NET 8 will replace.NET 6in the Long Term Support (LTS) channel which is said to be supported for 3 years after its initial release. Currently, its preview ...
Azure IoT Hub: added link to "Data to Server" page Data to Server: added support for multiple filters Data to Server: improved HTTP output hostname definition with automatic protocol specification in URL Data to Server: improved MQTT input connection handling DNP3 Client: added option to enable...