HSK Level 1: Downloadable HSK Practice Test Students at this level have had little to no previous experience with Chinese. Level 1 will begin with essential survival Chinese, immediately applicable to daily life.
The HSK or汉语水平考试(hàn yǔ shuǐ píng kǎo shì)is the official method for measuring Chinese proficiency, specifically your listening, reading and writing skills. If you plan on taking the HSK, this app containsHSK vocabulary practice, mock exams and previously administered exams,all of w...
You can download the Excel and PDF file of the complete HSK 5 list and quiz sheets below. Test 1 is Chinese-to-Pinyin/English, Test 2 is Pinyin-to-Chinese/English, and Test 3 is English-to-Pinyin/Chinese. Note: Unlike our previous HSK quiz sheets, which include full vocabulary, these...
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Severe level implies 1-3 between updates. Extreme means there are no pauses between updates. Notification & error message fixes In this release, we’ve fixed the incorrect notification upon unsuccessful authorisation