Title: RPG Final Haikyuu Quest Pairing: None Rating: PG-12 Language: English Download Title: A Morning's Talk Pairing: Hinata x Kageyama Rating: R-18 Language: English Download Title: Goodbye, MY Friend. Pairing: Kageyama x Hinata Rating: PG-12 Language: English Download Title: The Magic...
It was still wonderful, and probably done as best as Haikyuu!! Volume 1 Comparison to the TV show Haikyuu!! as a show is one of my favorite of all time, and the anime that got me into anime, so I had to check this out。 It is amazing! First of all, I want to give this man...
I ca This counts as my review for the whole Haikyuu!! manga ”You don’t win alone。That’s just how it is。” READ FOR: best character developments and themes that I have ever encounteredREADING LEVEL: Level 1-3 out of 5*All of my reviews are as spoiler-free as possible unless st...
My brain after getting into haikyuu is just like: volleyball anime and manga good 😌 What other thoughts do I need to have Elle,2020-09-23 00:00 omg AGAIN--SO excited to see what this'll look like animated。 The math between nekoma and sarukawa was insane, and the ending??? UGH ...
Haikyuu still remains one of the greatest sports manga's I have ever read, it's really inspiring and relatable especially for those who've ever been involved in team sports。 。。。more Sanju | thelittlepaperbackbooks,2021-03-21 00:00 ...
I think because Haikyuu focuses on volleyball which is a very dynamic sport, most times when I'm reading the manga unless there are some really cool character moments or very high stakes it ends up being an average 3。5/3 star read。 Which is nothing against the manga it's just when ...