In God of War, the dark world of Greek mythology comes to life right before your eyes. As you take the role of Kratos, a story unfolds with various plot twists and multiple endings that take you through traps, stunts, and puzzles. With a deep combat system built around double chain blad...
Slowly dragged to the Underworld, he is saved by the Titan Gaia, who instructs him to find the Sisters of Fate, as they can allow him to travel back in time, avert his betrayal, and take revenge on Zeus.wikipedia How to download God of War 2 PPSSPP ISO on Your Mobile Android Click...
download and install an emulator – PCSX2 is by far the most popular emulator for PlayStation 2 ROMs. Secondly, after downloading the ROM and extracting the file, open the emulator, click on ‘File’, and then ‘Run ISO.’ Lastly, navigate to the location where the ROM is stored and se...
Guide to Find Games:Key combo (Ctrl + F) – later write game name ———- Note 1 :Should search “1 word” – this will find the correct results (For example, search “Batman” for “Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY”) Note 2 :Remove the word (‘,:) from the search word (For example,...