(Example, search “Batman” for “Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY”) Note 2 :Remove the word (‘,:) from the search word (Example, search “Asuras” for “Asura‘s” – search “Batman Arkham” for “Batman:Arkham”)
Indo-Malaya & Tropical Southwest Pacific Islands) 热带成分(2–6)小计 Tropical elements (2–6) sub-total 7 北温带 North Temperate 8 东亚及北美间断 East Asia & North America disjuncted 9 旧世界温带 Old World Temperate 温带成分(7–9)小计 Tropical elements(7–9) sub-total 10 东亚 East Asia...
The distribution ranges of this type do not extend beyond the northern IndoChina, and its northwest boundaries are coincided with the forest boundaries in Northwest China. 15. "Endemic to China" This distribution type is centered in the natural floristic regions of China as a whole, with their...
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该类森林具有2个乔木层, 高20–25 m, 主要 朱华: 云南常绿阔叶林的植被地理研究 3 表1 云南常绿阔叶林的3个植被亚型的分布及生境 Table 1 Distribution and habitats of the three evergreen broad-leaved forest sub-type in Yunnan 森林类型 Forest type 主要分布区域 Main distribution area 季风常绿阔叶林 ...
1904. 深绿卷柏 This is a common and distinctive species in Fujian Province and many other parts of China that has a creeping to suberect stem with many short, lateral branching systems that are irregularly 2- to 3- pinnate. The leaves are dark green and the strobili are tetragonous. The...
1.3 闵天禄分类系统的连蕊茶组和毛蕊茶组资源 2000 年,中国科学院昆明植物研究所闵天禄研 究员出版《世界山茶属的研究》一书[9],山茶属订 正为 2 亚属 14 组 119 种.其中,连蕊茶组 19 种, 毛蕊茶组 9 种,隶属于茶亚属[subg. Thea (L.) Hung T. Chang].Flora of China 沿用了闵天禄的分类系统[...
the case of the green revolution, where short-term benefits were gained at the expense of long-term security, mainly because the terms of development aid were tied in a dependency loop rather than providing sufficient reform and capital with which to radically transform the sub- sistence sector....
植物生态学报 2021, 45 (*): 00–00 Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0169 http://www.plant-ecology.com 藏北高寒草地土壤有机质化学组成对土壤蛋白酶 和脲酶活性的影响 马书琴1 汪子微2,3 陈有超4 鲁旭阳2* 1河南师范大学旅游学院, 河南新乡 453007; 2中国科学院,水利部成都...
该类森林具有2个乔木层, 高20–25 m, 主要 朱华: 云南常绿阔叶林的植被地理研究 3 表1 云南常绿阔叶林的3个植被亚型的分布及生境 Table 1 Distribution and habitats of the three evergreen broad-leaved forest sub-type in Yunnan 森林类型 Forest type 主要分布区域 Main distribution area 季风常绿阔叶林 ...