Install PS1 games on the internal PSX HDD HDD Partition Manager (Create partition, Remove partition (destructive), Change partition visibility) PS2 Game Partition Manager (Dump partition header, Change game title, flags, DMA) XMB Files Explorer (XMB Tools) ...
-Only for PSP go owners, to make PS1 games work (thanks to RazorStrike) -Download Popsloader (Google it) -The zip has SEPLUGINS folder, with POPS.txt and POPSLOADER inside. Copy POPSLOADER folder into ef0:/seplugins/ -Edit the ef0:/seplugins/POPS.txt, add lines ef0:/seplugins/popsloader...
Once this is done, you'll have to follow up with loading a few games. This is a good time to point out that DuckStation does not support archive formats (so no .zip, .7z, or .rar formats). In terms of format support, DuckStation supports both BIN and CUE images, raw BIN/IMG file...