F1 2001 (Europe) (En,Es,It,Sv) NOTE Guide play PS2 games on PS3:Here Guide play PS2 games on PS4:Here Guide play PS2 games on PC (Windows, Mac) :Here Before downloading any game PS2, you need to check List name game PS2 Classics Emulator Compatibility: for PS3:Hereor for PS4:...
Enjoy your favourite PPSSPP Games (Playstation Portable games). We have put together a collection best PSP roms, which you can download for free. Using PSP emulator run your favourite games on your PC, Mac, iPhone or Android device. On the other hand, the iso and cso file format don’t...
500+ Download Small Size PPSSPP Game on [Android ISO and CSO]– PPSSPP is aPSP emulatorthat can load and play PSP games via Android or on a PC. The difference between PSP and PS2 games is in terms of graphics the PSP is a practical version and usually the graphics quality of this game...
List All Game PS2 Guide to Find Games:Key combo (Ctrl + F) – later write game name ———- Note 1 :Should search “1 word” – this will find the correct results (For example, search “Batman” for “Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY”) Note 2 :Remove the word (‘,:) from the search...
4部分显示标签(从菜单1到4),这些标签可以使用F1到F4按键来访问 注意:图形显示终端中的菜单和子菜单前部数字不同于此编程手册中的章节号。 显示栏详情: 键 1[变频器状态]HMIS 2用户定义 3用户定义 4激活的控制通道 TERM:端子 HMI:图形显示终端 MDB:集成Modbus串行 CAN:CANopen® NET:现场...
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玉米 BLH12 和 BLH14 均编码 BLH(BELL1-like homeobox) 类的转录因子, 可以 与顶端分生组织维持相关的 KN1 互作来调控茎秆和 维管系统发育,其双突变体的株高显著降低,茎秆 维管束减少[73].玉米 GIF1(Growth Regulating Fac‑ torInteracting Factor1)编码一个与水稻 OsGIF1 同源 的蛋白,参与玉米分生组织的...
3 花香调控相关功能基因 花香不仅是植物吸引传粉昆虫和抵制食草动物的一 种进化适应, 也是提高观赏植物和切花审美价值的重 要方面.已知花香成分中大多数化合物属于萜烯类, 脂肪族和苯基丙烷苯环类化合物(Knudsen et al., 2006).由于芳香物质的代谢途径复杂, 且是由多个 酶在不同组织中共同完成的, 因此需要更多...