Location Plus for ElvUIfor player location frames and moar datatexts. ElvUI Nuts and Boltsfor more cool features. ProjectAzirokaSquare Minimap Bar/Buttons to show the minimap buttons in a neat, removable bar. Compatibility:BenikUI collaborates with most of ElvUI plugins. Features: Decors all El...
ElvUI_NoBorders is an add-on for World of Warcraft that extends ElvUI to remove the hard-coded borders, based on the seemingly abandoned CustomTweaks. It should work on either Classic or Retail, but may not affect every border. Requirements This add-on requires ElvUI. Installation Install ...
Minion makes it extremely easy to install and manage your AddOns. If you would like to manually install AddOns please visit ourInstall FAQfor more information and ask any questions you have on ourforum. More AddOns to Consider.
Classic UI with a Default UI Style look. I wanted to set everything up myself with single addons instead of depending on ElvUI You may need to load profiles ESC>Interface>Addons Addonlist: AddOnSkins AtlasLootClassic aux AdiBags -New Bartender4 ClassicAuraDurations CharacterStatsClassic ClassicC...
For those interested: I drink black, extra dark roast. And here you can read how it all started. Links Latest Armory version on the project site Armory Classic Armory Burning Crusade Classic Armory Wrath of the Lich King Classic ElvUI skin for Armory Tukui skin for Armory Bagnon_Armory ...
DejaClassicStats ElvUI+WrathArmory Extended Character Stats GW2 UI Titan Panel Supported Languages chinese/simplified (zhCN), incomplete chinese/traditional (zhTW), incomplete english (enUS) french (frFR), incomplete german (deDE) korean (koKR), incomplete ...
Classic UI with a Default UI Style look. I wanted to set everything up myself with single addons instead of depending on ElvUI You may need to load profiles ESC>Interface>Addons Addonlist: AddOnSkins AtlasLootClassic aux AdiBags -New ...
LiteButtonAuras works with the default Blizzard action bars, Dominos, Bartender and anything that uses LibActionButton (including ElvUI). Supports WoW retail, classic (Vanilla) and classic (WotLK). WoW Classic (Vanilla) Timers For WoW Classic (Vanilla) to get debuff timers you will need to ...
●zrMinimap(Classic only) | Untested ~ (Currently untested) Minimap addons found on WoWInterface ●PocketPlot| Untested ●Ajs MM(Classic only) | Untested UI AddOns ● ElvUI |Okay ●GW2_UIR1.913_Retail |Difficulty-- No Lua errors but could not move some elements to placeholder.) ...
Works with ElvUI 🩹 Fixes also the ridiculous fly in animation of the rider broken mount links on some clients 🙋 Help wanted Have you found any bug or do you have some suggestions? Please let me know in the issue tracker onGitHuborCurseforge. ...