Condition may allow further processing either if the requirements / check specified by it are met or not met (i.e. if the result of checking the image against a constraint is either True or False). Condition group behavior determines whether the conditions add to each other (i.e. each con...
(Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) Catatan/ Notes 31 Desember/ December 2019 ASET ASET LANCAR Kas dan setara kas Piutang usaha, bersih - Pihak ketiga - Pihak berelasi Piutang lain-lain, bersih Persediaan, bersih Pajak dibayar di muka - Pajak lain-lain - Pajak ...
periode berjalan Penghasilan komprehensif lain, setelah pajak: Bagian penghasilan komprehensif lain dari entitas asosiasi dan ventura bersama Pengukuran kembali kewajiban pensiun dan pascakerja lainnya Saldo per 30 September 2018 Saldo per 1 Januari 2019 Dividen Laba periode berjalan Penghasilan kom...
László, K., Pikhart, H., Kopp, M., Bobak, M., Pajak, A., Malyutina, S., Salavecz, G., and Marmot, M. (2010). Job insecurity and health: A study of 16 European countries. ...
So the Donut Shop Queen, Sherri Pajak, '84, sponsored them at the Mills Creek Course in Sandusky. They played for bragging rights and the "brown jackets," which Sherri found at Goodwill. Rules state that only inside the Donut Shop on special occasions may the winners strut their stuff. ...
[46] PAJAK B,ORZECHOWSKIA,GAJKOWSKA B. Molecularbasisofsodium butyrate dependentpro apoptoticactivity in cancercells[J].Advancesin MedicalSciences,2007,52:83-88. [47] LESCHELLEX,DELPAL S,GOUBERN M,etal. Butyratemetabolism upstream anddownstream acetyl CoAsynthesisandgrowthcontrolofhumancoloncar ci...
(BEBAN) LAIN-LAIN Penghasilan bunga Dividen Rugi selisih kurs Beban bunga dan keuangan Lain-lain - bersih Penghasilan lain-lain - bersih LABA SEBELUM PAJAK PENGHASILAN BEBAN (MANFAAT) PAJAK PENGHASILAN Periode berjalan Tangguhan BEBAN PAJAK PENGHASILAN - BERSIH LABA SEBELUM HAK MINORITAS ATAS RUGI...
(Expressed in thousands of Rupiah,unless otherwise stated) Catatan/ Notes ASET ASET LANCAR Kas dan setara kas Piutang usaha, bersih - Pihak ketiga - Pihak berelasi Piutang lain-lain, bersih Persediaan, bersih Pajak dibayar di muka - Pajak lain-lain Biaya dibayar di muka Aset lancar lain-...
(Expressed in thousands of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) Catatan/ Notes 31 Desember/ December 2019 ASET ASET LANCAR Kas dan setara kas Piutang usaha, bersih - Pihak ketiga - Pihak berelasi Piutang lain-lain, bersih Persediaan, bersih Pajak dibayar di muka - Pajak lain-lain - Pajak...