2 蔗糖转运蛋白的功能 蔗糖转运蛋白在植物体内蔗糖的运输和分配过 程中起着重要作用,并通过影响此过程来对植物的 生长发育及开花结果产生影响(图 1).拟南芥中 的 AtSUC1 定位于花粉管质膜和根,参与花粉管发 育过程中对蔗糖的吸收以及蔗糖诱导的花青素的积 累[20-21]. 苹果蔗糖转运蛋白 MdSUT4.1 定位液泡膜,...
ldaascrtoivfvaedluejceaempdteimcoionnmgjapimodsemitniitnoigfnirc;eacstiopogannris;teiodrneec,petrphetseioesnnutpjaaetirmioonmriitnygo;fpwraovpeolseetdpmacetkheotddceacnombepopsriotivoend.;third order 0 引言 雷达作为现代战场上一种全天候信息传感设备,无疑 成为了战场态势感知[12],侦查监视[34],...
Ackerly DD (2004). Adaptation, niche conservatism, and con- vergence: comparative studies of leaf evolution in the Cal- ifornia chaparral. The American Naturalist, 163, 654-671. Ackerly DD, Dudley SA, Sultan SE, Schmitt J, Coleman JS, Linder CR, Sandquist DR, Geber MA, Evans AS, ...
Xu XM, Zheng CH, Lu DD, Song CP, Zhang LX (2021). Phase separation in plants: new insights into cellular com- partmentalization. J Integr Plant Biol 63, 1835–1855. Yamaguchi R, Nakamura M, Mochizuki N, Kay SA, Na- gatani A (1999). Light-dependent translocation of a phy- to...
(2) The write area data of PLC CPU is sent via the high-speed bus to the read areas of each CNC CPU in the form of control signals. (3) The CNC data (state signal) is sent to the read area corresponding to each CNC CPU of PLC CPU by the high- speed bus. (4) When one ...
2 氮磷添加对土壤有机碳的影响与潜在机制 2.1 氮磷添加对土壤总有机碳库的影响 目前, 全球或区域尺度的整合分析结果大都表 明, 氮磷添加总体上有显著增加土壤有机碳库的趋 势, N添加的促进程度为4%−11%, P添加的促进程度 为5%左右, N + P添加的促进程度为8% (Janssens et al., 2010; Liu & G...
3.5 小麦D基因组改良 普通小麦(Triticum aestivum)为六倍体物种, 来自2次 杂交和多倍化事件, 即乌拉尔图小麦(T. urartu, AA)与 拟斯卑尔托山羊草(Aegilops speltoides, SS≈BB)杂 交并多倍化, 形成四倍体小麦(AABB); 随后四倍体 小麦与节节麦(A. tauschii, DD)第2次杂交并多倍化, 形成六倍体小麦 (...
不同细胞来源外泌体: (1) 心肌细胞; (2) 内皮细胞; (3) 心脏成纤维细胞; (4) 心脏祖细胞; (5) 间充质干细胞. 在心脏保护中的作用: (1) 促进血管新生; (2) 发挥抗炎作用; (3) 修复受损心肌; (4) 抑制心肌纤维化; (5) 抑制心肌细胞凋亡 . 文题释义: 外泌体:是由多泡小体与细胞质膜融合后...
[20] Boyan DB,Hunnert TW,Dean DD,et al.Role of material surfaces in regulating bone and cartilage cell response. Biomaterials.1996;17(2):137-146. [21] Vacanti CA,Paige KJ,Kim W,et al.Experimental tracheal replacement using tissue engineered cartilage.J Pediart Surg.1994;27(3):201-204....
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