AWS – EC2 inventory Report across Organization AD OU Creation and Deletion Alert PowerShell – Sync CSV to SharePoint ListAbout AD Health Check, Send HTML Email, Ping machines, Encrypt Password,Bulk Password,Microsoft Teams,Monitor Certificate expiry, Monitor cert expiry, AD attributes, IP to Hos...
簡介範例 (請參閱使用政策來管理 Amazon S3 資源存取權的逐步解說) 使用 AWS Management Console 來建立資源和授予許可。若要測試許可,範例會使用命令列工具 AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) 和 AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell,因此您不需要撰寫任何程式碼。若要測試許可,您必須設定其中一個工具。
. The module AWS.Tools.Installer ( makes it easier to install, update and uninstall the AWS.Tools modules. This version of AWS Tools for PowerShell is compatible with Windows PowerShell 5.1+ and PowerShell Core 6+ on Windows, ...
PowershellInteractiveWindow PowerSupply PrecedenceConstraint PredictFunction PredictQueryBuilder Zachowaj literę PreviewAnimatedTransition Kod wersji zapoznawczej PreviewSideBySide Wersja zapoznawczaTab Poprzednie Poprzednia zakładka PreviousBookmarkInFile PreviousBookmarkInFolder PreviousError Poprzedni element...
Beispielbefehle für AWS CLI und PowerShell Laden Sie lokale Artefakte in einen S3-Bucket hoch Verwaltung von Stacks mit StackSets Voraussetzungen Aktivieren Sie AWS-Regionen diese, die standardmäßig deaktiviert sind Selbstverwaltete Berechtigungen erteilen Aktivieren...
PowerShell Cmdlets for MySQL An easy-to-use set of PowerShell Cmdlets offering real-time access to MySQL data. The Cmdlets allow users to easily read, write, update, and delete live data - just like working with SQL server. Version: 24.0.8963 | Modified: 07/16/2024 | Size: 4.71 MB ...
Create someparameters for the script. Because PowerShell scripts are tools, it's important to be able to reuse this script for other situations. Below, you'll see three parameters that will let you pass the username and password -- via a PSCredential object -- the local file path...
To create the AmazonCloudWatchAgent profile for the CloudWatch agent On Linux servers, type the following command and follow the prompts: sudo aws configure --profile AmazonCloudWatchAgent On Windows Server, open PowerShell as an administrator, type the following command and follow...
aws-java-sdk-redshift-arcadia-internal-1.0.jar aws-java-sdk-redshift-internal-1.12.x.jar aws-java-sdk-redshiftserverless-1.12.577.jar aws-java-sdk-ssooidc-1.12.577.jar aws-java-sdk-sts-1.12.23.jar aws-java-sdk-sts-1.12.577.jar ...
PowerShell will start installing the specified RSAT feature. Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name xxxx ~~~ *“xxxx” refers to the name of the feature you want to install. For example, to install Rsat.FileServices.Tools, the command will be: Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name Rsat....