Android Studio is the official development suite from Android, combining all elements of the app building process. With a code editor, virtual android emulator and code templates, this free development suite aims to provide a streamlined service for app creators. Complete App Development Thanks to A...
变量名为:ANDROID_SDK_HOME 变量值为:D:\android-sdk-windows 【这里主要是自己安装SDK的路径】 5.选择Path路径,点击编辑。 6.在Path路径中编辑添加三条安装路径;点击确定,再点确定 1)添加bulid-tools安装路径(在SDK安装目录下) 2)添加tools安装路径(在SDK安装目录下) 3)添加platform-tools安装路径(在SDK安装目...
Alternatives toAndroid Studio 3.6 Free Android SDK Free development tool for Android apps 3.2 Trial version AppMaker An App to Make Your Own Database Application 3.3 Free Genymotion A quick and powerful Android emulator for Windows 3.5 Free ...
此时点击图中下方的链接进行SDK下载,这里可能一次下载之后,执行Try again之后这里还是会显示报错,那么就再点击下载一次,然后再点击Try again,直到报错解除。(除了该解决办法,还可以手动更改build.gradle文件中的compileSdkVersion,buildToolsVersion targetSdkVersion为对应的27也可以进行解决,这个后续再讲) 在这里插入图片描...
AndroidDevTools 是一个收集整理 Android 开发所需的 Android SDK、开发中用到的工具、Android 开发教程、Android 设计规范,免费的设计素材等的网站。
With the Android SDK, developers have access to all the necessary components, libraries, and tools to build apps that are compatible with the Android operating system. The kit comes as part of Android Studio's SDK Platform Tools, or it can be used with Eclipse and JDK. First-time Android ...
NVIDIA Nsight Tools are a powerful set of libraries, SDKs, and tools spanning across desktop and mobile targets that enable developers to build, debug, profile, and develop software that utilizes the latest accelerated computing hardware. x64 Debian Package199.56 MB x64 RPM Package231.07 MB
Outlook for Android 具有以下优势: 智能收件箱可帮助你按顺序排列需要立即处理的邮件和其他邮件,让你专注于正确的事情。 轻扫即可快速安排、删除和存档邮件。 点击一下即可共享会议空闲时间,轻松找到时间与他人约会。 利用全新的搜索体验,找到所需的一切内容,包括文件、联系人和接下来的行程。
2. Added "Resizeable Activity" and "Max Aspect Ratio" options to the Android build panel. 3. Added support for configuring the launch mode and quick start of the Douyin Developer Tools. 4. Enabled "CLEANUP_IMAGE_CACHE" by default on the WeChat Mini Game platform, for other platforms, it...