Zip Repair Tool is a ZIP recovery engine for a fast and accurate zip repair. Drag And Zip Download 1Canyon Software3Shareware Drag And Zip makes Explorer into a Zip file manager. Select the files you want to zip, right click o... e...
These demos give you an idea of how much each spin will cost and what prizes you might win. However, keep in mind that these are still just simulations and won’t give you an accurate representation of how things will play out in real life. Demo versions aren’t good for learning how ...
4 3 几年前 blomba your first comment was accurate but you're just an annoying prick. if you dont like it then f off and play something else 8 3 几年前 Trusted▲Dafty▲ So you didn't read my coment and you're just an actual teenager that got mad because people like what yo...
Questa diversità migliora l'accuratezza e le prestazioni dei sistemi di AI e aiuta a ridurre i rischi durante tutto il ciclo di vita dell'AI, compresa la possibilità di esiti avversi che influiscono su gruppi che potrebbero non essere ben rappresentati in team meno diversificati. 26 ...
Gambar 15.1 merupakan sebuah grafik yang menunjukan variasi parameter log akustik, densitas dan neutron yang sering digunakan untuk menentukan porositas sebagai fungsi litologi. Semua data referensi yang disajikan disesuaikan dengan sifat matriks batu kapur (Δt ma = 47.5 µsec/ft, ...
He is much more agile and accurate than nor mal humans and better than the bulk of his fellow super-powered fel lows. Spider-Man 's Strength is Incred ible, which while far above even the best of normal human ity, is sti l l no match for the weight-lifti ng abil ities of ...
1.Display the first name and age for everyone that's in the table. 2.Display the first name, last name, and city for everyone that's not from Payson. 3.Display all columns for everyone that is over 40 years old. 4.Display the first and last names for everyone whose last name ends...
(9)结束. 4 实验结果与分析 为验证算法的有效性,本文在数据集 IRIS 上对算法进 行验证.IRIS 数据集隶属于机器学习和智能系统库 UCI, 其中,IRIS 数据集专门用于测试聚类算法[16].IRIS 数据集 以鸢尾花的特征作为数据来源,包含 3 类对象(setosa,versi- color,virginica),4 个属性(sepal length,sepal width,...
Locks nearly 20 different HD tri-level standards and frame rates Converts HD tri-level syncs into SD bi-level syncs High-accurate reference generation with an accuracy of < 0.1ppm. Lowest jitter clock base with < 1ps (RMS). Redundant (fail-safe) operation. DDS-based jitter elimination of...