Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, better known as GTA: San Andreas, is an action and open-world game originally released in 2004. It's set in San Andreas, thefictional U.S. state,consisting of three major cities: Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas. All of them are based on real ...
分子聚类结果不仅支持乳白石 蒜,鹿葱,红蓝石蒜,江苏石蒜,稻草石蒜的杂交起源观点,而且与形态学分类,物种的染色体倍性,核型存 在较高的一致性,即除乳白石蒜外,染色体基数接近或等于 11,核型含有 11t 或 11t 倍数的物种聚为一大类; 染色体基数不等于 11,核型为 6M+10T 的种聚成了另一大类.SSR-PCR 容易区分...