下压力(Down weight):轻按下琴键所需的重量。见“上弹力(Up weight)”。 hi.baidu.com|基于6个网页 2. 衣服内羽绒重量 衣服内羽绒重量(Down Weight) 羽绒外套可利用家用洗衣机清洗或手洗 Ø一件羽绒外套如果绒重量少, 就算羽绒达到 99% 羽绒 … ...
减轻重量 Mt Doreen - Doreen峰 Mt 是 Mount 的缩写。比如Mt Everest (珠穆朗玛峰)
weight down[sth]vtr phrasal sep(hold down with a weight)SCSimplified Chinese使…负重shǐ fù zhòng Sally weighted down the picnic blanket with a large stone at each corner so that the breeze wouldn't disturb it. 标题中含有单词 'weight down' 的论坛讨论: ...
weight down phr. 使负重,加负担 weight sb down 使负重, 重压, 压下 keep down 1. 隐蔽;隐伏;卧倒;蹲下 2. keep sb down 压制(或限制、控制)某人 keep sth dowm 1. 使保持在低水平;抑制某事物增长 2. 不使(胃中食物)吐出;不呕吐 keep head down 少说话、少出头以免引起注意;低调行事 keep...
The buoyant force up equals theweight down. 向上的浮力等于向下的重量. 互联网 Repack as needed to get theweight down. 必要时,重新包装行李,使重量降下来. 互联网 The only way to get yourweight downis to keep off fat. 减肥的唯一办法是不要吃肥肉. ...
什么意思_英语down... ... Down Swing & Weight Balance 下杆击球 Weight Down 体重下降 set-down weight 下坐重量 ... dict.youdao.com|基于3个网页 2. 减重 Aid Station : 日本明治公司 ... BC 力量锭 Weight Down 减重 Weight Up 增重 ... www.aidstation.asia|基于1 个网页 ...
weight down (redirected fromweights down) 1. To add weight to someone or something in order for them or it to remain stuck in place or unable to move quickly. A noun or pronoun can be used between "weight" and "down."I weighted the box down with stones so that it wouldn't float ...
沪江词库精选weight down是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释 phr. 使负重,加负担 英语解释 weight down with a load 相似短语 keep down weight 使体重不增加 weight sth down 使负重, 重压, 压下 weight down phr. 使负重,加负担 weight sb down 使负重, 重压, 压下 weight by weight 【医...
Hello all, I want to teach the transformer / generator model to avoid (down-weight) certain types of candidate responses by showing it examples of such responses. Is there a way in the Parlai framework that I could go about doing this --...