An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00004703-199204000-00015Feldman, Heidi M.Murray, Nancy JessJournal of Developmental & Behavioral PediatricsSelikowitz,M. (1992) Down syndrome: The facts. In Roy I. Brown Building our Future, The 1992 National ...
Down syndrome,congenital disorder characterized by mild to severemental retardation, slow physical development, and characteristic physical features. Down syndrome affects about 1 in every 730 live births and occurs in all populations equally. It was first described in 1866 by an English physician, J...
Virtually all adults with Down syndrome (DS) show the neuropathological changes of Alzheimer disease (AD) by the age of 40 years. This association is partially due to overexpression of amyloid precursor protein, encoded by APP, as a result of the locatio
Virtually all adults with Down syndrome (DS) show the neuropathological changes of Alzheimer disease (AD) by the age of 40 years. This association is partially due to overexpression of amyloid precursor protein, encoded by APP, as a result of the locatio
DYRK1A maps to the Down syndrome critical region at 21q22. Mutations in this kinase-encoding gene have been reported to cause microcephaly associated with either intellectual disability or autism in humans. Intellectual disability accompanied by microcep
Nature Reviews Cancer volume 12, pages 721–732 (2012)Cite this article 3293 Accesses 82 Citations 2 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract If assessed by a number of criteria for cancer predisposition, Down's syndrome (DS) should be an overwhelmingly cancer-prone condition. Although childhood ...
Contrary to common expectation, the prevalence of Down syndrome (DS) is increasing. The effect of antenatal diagnosis, and the ensuing termination of many affected pregnancies, is being outweighed by the effects of childbearing later in life and the increased longevity of individuals with DS.1 ...
Modeling Down Syndrome with Patient iPSCs Reveals Cellular and Migration Deficits of GABAergic Neurons Stem Cell Reports, Volume 10, Issue 4, 2018, pp. 1251-1266 Hai-Qin Huo,…, Yan Liu View PDF Cis-regulatory mutations with driver hallmarks in major cancers iScience, Volume 24, Issue 3, ...
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by an extra chromosome 21. A risk factor for Down syndrome is the age of the mother at the child's birth. It is the most common cause of cognitive impairment. Symptoms, characteristics, causes, treatment, diseas
Triplication of the enzyme USP16 in models of Down's syndrome creates defects in the stem cells resident in adult tissues. This finding provides insight into stem-cell homeostasis during ageing. See Article p.380 People with Down's syndrome have abnormal