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Chrome isa free web browserdeveloped by the multinational company Google, which is also the owner of the largest Internet search engine under the same name, as well as other famous applications such as Google Drive, Gmail, Google Docs, and many more. Chrome was launched in 2008 as a great ...
Chrome Browser Lockdown 0.0.8 版本号 2023-02-28 更新时间 5 下载量 点击下载离线安装教程谷歌商店 介绍 阻止学生在完成 Castle 作业时打开新选项卡。 当教师或管理员在 Castle Learning 中分配作业或评估时,他们可以启用启用浏览器锁定的选项。如果他们启用了该选项并且此扩展程序安装在学生用来完成作业或评估的...
When using Respondus LockDown Browser, many functions that could be used for cheating are blocked. For example, itdoes not allow opening newtabsor windows, using keyboard shortcuts, and more. The browserintegrates with the management systemsof an educational institution and ensures that exams are ...
–enable remote debugging using Chrome Developer Tools Fake User Agent String –use the agent string of another web browser Custom User Agent String ( PLUS ) –set an arbitrary UA string (ver. 1.29+) Default Webview Background Color –select background color for the Webview , defaults to ...
This can be achieved by pressing CTRL + F5 keys at the same time on your favourite browser (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, etc.) Clear the temporary cache and cookies on your browser to make sure that you have the most recent version of the web page. For instructions choose your browser : ...
2 下载量 点击下载离线安装教程谷歌商店 介绍 捕获网络错误,向用户显示友好的错误页面,允许返回上一页,允许阻止新窗口和选项卡。 Chrome 显示和代表您的浏览器应用程序的能力是首屈一指的。然而,当在 Chrome 的 Kiosk 模式下运行时,浏览器会遇到一些缺点。例如,在信息亭模式下,没有可用的浏览器导航、选项卡或菜单...
Another reason Google Chrome might keep asking you to restore tabs is if you have prevented the browser from running in the background. Here’s how to change that. Step 1:Open Google Chrome, click thethree-dot menu iconat the top-right corner and selectSettings. ...
Google develops the Chrome browser and the Android software for smart phones including the Google Play store for mobile apps, as well as the Adwords and Adsense advertising platforms. I have a problem with Google Select the option you are having issues with and help provide feedback to the ...
chrome扩展程序--自动化操作页面 包含选项页、保存信息到缓存、扩展向页面发送数据 新建 新建任意文件夹,并新建文件manifest.json和myscript.js(UTF-8编码),内容如下 manifest.json {"name":"**",扩展程序的名字"manifest_version":2,"version":"1.0",版本号"description":"**","browser_action":{"default_...