🥕 :carrot: 🌽 :ear-of-corn: 🌶️ :hot-pepper: 🫑 :bell-pepper: 🥒 :cucumber: 🥬 :leafy-green: 🥦 :broccoli: 🫛 :pea-pod: 🧄 :garlic: 🧅 :onion: 🫚 :ginger: 🥜 :peanuts: 🫘 :beans: 🌰 :chestnut: Prepared Foods 🍞 :bread: 🥐 :croissant: 🥖 :...
🇧🇶 :caribbean_netherlands: 🥕 :carrot: 🇰🇾 :cayman_islands: 🇨🇫 :central_african_republic: 🇹🇩 :chad: ⛓ :chains: 🍾 :champagne: 🧀 :cheese: 🇨🇱 :chile: 🐿 :chipmunk: 🇨🇽 :christmas_island: 🏙 :cityscape: 🗜 :clamp: 🏛 :classical_building: 🥂...
:carrot: 🥕 :cartwheeling: 🤸 :cat: 🐱 :cat2: 🐈 :cayman_islands: 🇰🇾 :cd: 💿 :central_african_republic: 🇨🇫 :ceuta_melilla: 🇪🇦 :chad: 🇹🇩 :chains: ⛓️ :chair: 🪑 :champagne: 🍾 :chart: 💹 :chart_with_downwards_trend: 📉 :chart_with_upwards...
To talk about a tag on this site,like-this, use See the many questions tagged[tag:elephants] to learn more. The tag will automatically be linked to the corresponding tag page. Spoilers To hide a certain piece of text and have it only be visible when a user moves the mouse over it, ...
emoji-cheat-sheet 这是一篇关于markdown中快速插入Emoji表情的语法速查表,以后写markdown想要插入emoji表情忘记语法了,可以快速查看,挺方便的。 This cheat sheet is automatically generated fromGitHub Emoji APIandEmoji Cheat Sheet. People Nature Objects
aZoom in Scroll wheel, + key, PgUp key Scroll wheel, + key Zooms the viewer in. Tip: to use the 'Page Up' key, make sure 'Num Lock' on your keyboard is off. ON放大 移动轮子, +钥匙, PgUp钥匙 移动轮子, +钥匙 迅速移动观察者in。 技巧: 要使用‘页’锁上,确定‘数字锁’在您的键盘...
As we got underway, I found myself running behind a woman who became my ‘carrot’ to chase – sometimes she was in front of me, sometimes the other way round. At the end I had a quick chat with her, and was surprised to find that she had come down to London from Bristol, and ...
Keyboard:Evan Gartner Synthesizer:Evan Gartner Programming:Evan Gartner Background Vocals:Gregory Aldae Hein Vocal Arrangement:Slow Rabbit/Maiz Recording Engineers:Slow Rabbit @ Carrot Express/손유정 @ HYBE Studio/Gregory Aldae Hein @ Legends Only Studio ...
🇧🇶 :caribbean_netherlands: 🥕 :carrot: 🇰🇾 :cayman_islands: 🇨🇫 :central_african_republic: 🇹🇩 :chad: ⛓ :chains: 🍾 :champagne: 🧀 :cheese: 🇨🇱 :chile: 🐿 :chipmunk: 🇨🇽 :christmas_island: 🏙 :cityscape: 🗜 :clamp: 🏛 :classical_building: 🥂...