Down by the Station 作者: Jess Stockham 出版社: Child's Play出版年: 2007-3页数: 16定价: USD 6.99装帧: Pap丛书: Classic Books With HolesISBN: 9781904550686豆瓣评分 9.2 90人评价 5星 70.0% 4星 25.6% 3星 3.3% 2星 1.1% 1星 0.0%
Down by the Station 作者: Hillenbrand, Will 出版社: Harcourt Childrens Books出版年: 1999-8页数: 40定价: 134.00元装帧: SALISBN: 9780152018047豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介 ··· Did you ever wonder who rides the zoo train early in the morning?
绘本《Down by the Station 来到火车站》,Child’s Play 绘本内容 廖彩杏推荐书单 这套由全球知名出版社“Child’s Play”出品的儿歌洞洞书,一共9册配音频。书的开本很大,颜色十分鲜艳,最独特的是每页都有洞洞页的设计,透过洞洞,隔页上的画面会和当前页组成一幅完整的画,在隔页这些图画又是另一番风景。同一...
WILL HILLENBRAND has written and illustrated many award-winning picture books, including The House That Drac Built by Judy Sierra and his own Down by the Station. He lives in Terrace Park, Ohio.
Let's read this vehicle book together.我们一起来读这本关于交通工具的书吧。Down by the station, early in the morning,大清早,在那火车站旁,See the little puffer trains all in a row.瞧!那蒸汽小火车们排成排。See the engine driver pull the little handle.看那火车司机,拉开了他的...
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辰辰频道创作的外语有声书作品DOWN BY THE STATION JYBOOK,目前已更新10个声音,收听最新音频章节Track02。
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Downbythestation,Earlyinthemorning. SeethebusybusesAllinarow. SeethebusdriverCallingtothepassengers; BRRM!BRRM!BRRM!Andoffwego! 大清早,到了车站 瞧,忙碌的车排成排 看,车呼喊着乘客; 嘀!嘀!嘀!我们出发! 第三段: Downbythestation,Earlyinthemorning, ...
Down by the StationJennifer Riggs Vetter