Dow Jones Industrial (DJI.): Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for Index Dow Jones Industrial | USA: DJI | USA
Select a Stock Index:VSIndicator: MovementBreadthPut/CallVolatility Indicator Smoothing:Range:Theme: NoneDow Jones Industrial AverageS&P 500Nasdaq CompositeNasdaq 100S&P 100S&P 400 MidCapS&P 600 SmallCapNYSE CompositeS&P TSX CompositeUK 100CAC 40DAXAEX AmsterdamATX AustriaBEL-20 BrusselsIBEX 35OMX Stock...
Select a Stock Index:VSIndicator: MovementBreadthPut/CallVolatility Indicator Smoothing:Range:Theme: NoneDow Jones Industrial AverageS&P 500Nasdaq CompositeNasdaq 100S&P 100S&P 400 MidCapS&P 600 SmallCapNYSE CompositeS&P TSX CompositeUK 100CAC 40DAXAEX AmsterdamATX AustriaBEL-20 BrusselsIBEX 35OMX Stock...
Dow Jones index The index aims to reflect the general trend of the U.S. stock market, covering financial, technology, entertainment, retail and other industries.Editor's note Dow Jones Industrial Average The Dow Jones Industrial Average currently consists of the "Wall Street journal" editorial ...
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is a price-weighted stock market index tracking the share price movement of 30 publicly-traded companies.
Get Dow Jones Industrial Average (.DJI:Dow Jones Global Indexes) real-time stock quotes, news, price and financial information from CNBC.
道琼斯指数(DowJonesindex) TheDowJonesIndexesDowJonesindexisanarithmeticaverage stockindex.TheDowJonesindexistheoldeststockindexin theworld,anditsfullnameisthestockpriceaverage.Usually, theDowJonesindexisprobablythefirstAveragegroupinthe DowJonesindex(DowJonesIndustrial). TheDowJonesindexwasfirstcompiledbyCharles...
Dow Jones Industrial Average exchange rate. Charts, forecast poll, current trading positions and technical analysis. Keep informed on Dow Jones Industrial Average updates.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), also commonly referred to as “the Dow Jones” or simply “the Dow,” is one of the most popular and widely recognized stock market indices. It measures the dailystock marketmovements of 30 U.S.publicly-traded companieslisted on the NASDAQ or theNew...
Dow Jones is one of the largest financial news companies in the world. It started the Dow Jones Industrial Average and other stock indexes, now owned by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC.