Dow Jones The Global Dow Index price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents Dow Jones The Global Dow Index price and volume over 1Y period The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and Time. The chart has 2 Y axes displaying symbol price, and symbol volume. ...
Continue with Apple or Create Free Account By creating an account using any of the options above, you agree to theTerms of Use&Privacy Policy Index Price & Overview Follow5 followers 448.641.02 (+0.23%)5:15 AM 02/14/25 Dow Jones Indices |Market Close ...
Dow Jones stock index quote and analysis, 1-year evolution and return, 20, 50 and 200-day moving averages, top companies concentration, …
Structure → Price-Weighted Index Constituents → 30 Companies Index Quote → DJIA Bloomberg Ticker Symbol → $INDU.DJI In practice, the Dow Jones (DJIA) functions as a “barometer” to grasp the conditions in the U.S. stock market (and economy) at present, which in turn, is used to fo...
The Dow Jones index was first compiled by Charles Doug, founder of the Dow Jone am Co in 1884. The Dow Jones average stock price index is based on the 11 representative railway companies calculate was compiled using the arithmetic mean method, published in Charles Doug's own editor published ...
and as a representative of the dow jones index quote. the dowjones index was compiled and published by the american press group, dow jone amco, in its wall street journal. the first time in the history of the dow jonesindex released in july 3, 1884, when the index of samples including...
Dow Jones Industrial (DJI.): Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for Index Dow Jones Industrial | USA: DJI | USA
Jonesindustrialaveragestockpriceindexisthemostfamous, ithasbeenwidelyreportedinthemassmedia,andasa representativeoftheDowJonesindexquote.TheDowJonesindex wascompiledandpublishedbytheAmericanpressgroup,DowJone amCo,initsWallStreetjournal.Thefirsttimeinthehistory oftheDowJonesindexreleasedinJuly3,1884,whentheindex ...
.DJI:Dow Jones Global Indexes EXPORT WATCHLIST+ RT Quote | Exchange | USD Last | 02/14/25 EST 44,546.08-165.35 (-0.37%) Volume 474,573,495 52 week range 37,611.56 - 45,073.63SummaryNewsProfile KEY STATS Open44,720.99 Day High44,769.05 Day Low44,498.96 Prev Close44,711.43 52 Week ...
Download Simple-X NY Dow Jones Index ETF stock data: historical 1679 stock prices from MarketWatch.