DOW JONES Index (EFT)Futures Historical Chart Amerian index DOWJONES Futures real time chart US Index Amerian Indices DOWJONES Live Streaming Technicals
Long-term chart of Dow Jones Index - Dow Jones Industrial Average (since 1900) is available on this page, plus its components, description and more. Dow Jones Index or to be exact in the name, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, also known as the Dow Jones, the Industrial Average, the Do...
Stay up-to-date with the latest Dow Jones U.S. Personal & Household Goods Total Stock Market Index (DWCPHG:IND) stock price. View DWCPHG:IND stock price chart and historical prices to make forecasts and predictions.
Dow Jones U.S. Total Stock Market Index advanced index charts by MarketWatch. View real-time DWCF index data and compare to other exchanges and stocks.
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Futures Charts Contract Month: Chart Term: Intraday Daily Weekly (Continuous) Monthly (Continuous) Historical Chart Format: Bar chart Candlestick Bar (no indicators) Advanced chart Dynamic intraday chart Quick Links Printer Friendly Chart Intraday Quote Chart/...
Dow Jones Equity REIT Index advanced index charts by MarketWatch. View real-time DJDBK index data and compare to other exchanges and stocks.
Dow Jones Industrial Average: DJIA Closes Above the 1,000 Mark:November 14, 1972(1,003.16) DJIA Closes Above the 2,000 Mark:January 8, 1987(2,002.25) DJIA Closes Above the 3,000 Mark:April 17, 1991(3,004.46) DJIA Closes Above the 4,000 Mark:February 23, 1995(4,003.33)...
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index TFC Commodity Charts Contract Specifications:DW, Trading Unit: Tick Size: Quoted Units: Initial Margin:Maint Margin: Contract Months: First Notice Day: Last Trading Day: Trading Hours: Daily Limit: Extreme Futures: Movers & Shakers...
History of The Dow Jones Industrial Average From 1970 to The Present (sampled.) Most Recent, Week-Ending Close Value DJIA All-Time High | DJIA 2009 Bear-Market Low | Chart 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic LowDate Value @ Close January 2, 1970 809.20...
This chart fromGoogle Financeshows the ride has been choppy for both theRussell 2000and Dow Jones. The election, interest rates and investor’s wall of worry has made it difficult for investors to agree on thefuture value of Dow stocks. The upward trend however, should be telling them every...