Stay up-to-date with the latest Dow Jones Commodity Index Platinum 2X Leveraged (USD) TR (DJCIP2LT:IND) stock price. View DJCIP2LT:IND stock price chart and historical prices to make forecasts and predictions.
ETF Database Themes CategoryLeveraged Equities Leveraged2x Asset ClassEquity Asset Class SizeMega-Cap Asset Class StyleBlend Region (General)North America Region (Specific)U.S. FactSet Classifications SegmentLeveraged Equity: U.S. - Large Cap ...
ETF Description ProShares Ultra Dow30 DDM provides 2x leveraged exposure to the price-weighted Dow Jones Industrial Average, which includes 30 of the largest and most stable US companies. Sector Size And Style Asset Class Equity Region North America Issuer ProShares Index Tracked DJ Industrial Avera...
A high-level overview of Dow Jones Commodity Corn 2x Leveraged Daily Index Excess Return (DJCCN2LP) stock. Stay up to date on the latest stock price, chart, news, analysis, fundamentals, trading and investment tools.
The Ultra Dow 30 ETF is a leveraged ETF that is similar to the UDOW. The only difference is that the fund seeks daily investment results that are 2x the daily performance of the Dow Jones index. Its top holdings are companies like UnitedHealth, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Home Depot, and...
ETFDatabase staff has allocated eachETFin theETFdatabase, as well as each index, to a single ‘best-fit’ETFDatabase Category. Other ETFs in theLeveraged EquitiesETFDatabase Category are presented in the following table. * Assets in thousands of U.S. Dollars. Assets and Average Volume as ...
This ETF provides leveraged exposure (2x) to Price Weighted Large Cap US Equities 102,62 $ 3 M Renditen +1,44 % 5 DJEN/R ESGN/R E/R0,5 % Amundi Dow Jones Industrial Average UCITS ETF This ETF provides exposure to Price Weighted Large Cap US Equities 430,55 € 3 M Renditen +6,...
科创综指ETF天弘(589860)流动性稳居同类产品第一 格隆汇3月18日|继昨日凭借1.1亿元成交额位居同类产品第一,科创综指ETF天弘(589860)今日成交额进一步放大至1.26亿元,再次稳居同类产品第一,显示出较高的市场关注度和流动性充足。 不同于科创50偏向大盘股,科创100侧重中盘股、以及科创200锚定小微盘,科创综指ETF天弘(...
Dow Jones Industrial Average 2X Leveraged Carry-Free Daily Index (HKD) price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents Dow Jones Industrial Average 2X Leveraged Carry-Free Daily Index (HKD) price and volume over 1Y period The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and Ti...
A high-level overview of Dow Jones Industrial Average 2X Leveraged Carry-Free Daily Index (HKD) (DJIPLCFH:IND) stock. View (DJIPLCFH:IND) real-time stock price, chart, news, analysis, analyst reviews and more.