DOWSIL™ 902 RCS Joint Sealant Parts A&B A self-leveling, cold-applied, rapid-cure, two-part, easy-to-install, ultra-low-modulus, 100 percent silicone rubber sealant designed to seal expansion joints that experience both thermal and/or vertical movements due to traffic loading. ...
工业化学品>粘接剂>密封胶>DOWSIL 890-SL SILICONE JOINT SEALANT <> 陶熙 硅酮接缝密封胶 品牌:DOW|陶氏 价格:¥0.00起 关注 选择产品 相关产品 资料下载 认证标签: SKU型号包装规格售价预计出货时间订购数量 L003875DOWSIL 890-SL-591ML591毫升/支待询价-+ ...
DOWSIL™ 890-SL Silicone Joint Sealant One-part, self-leveling silicone material that cures to an ultra-low-modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. The cured silicone rubber remains flexible from -20 to 300°F. DOWSIL™ 888 Silicone Joint Sealant One-part, non-sag sili...
DOWSIL™ 890-SL Silicone Joint Sealant One-part, self-leveling silicone material that cures to an ultra-low-modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. The cured silicone rubber remains flexible from -20 to 300°F. DOWSIL™ 888 Silicone Joint Sealant ...
陶熙DOW道康宁DOWSIL™ 902 RCS Joint Sealant 是双组分快速固化、自流平型的有机硅橡胶密封胶,具有包装方便,快速固化, 简单易用,超低模量, 完全弹性, 耐候性佳, 可密封不规则表面,长效可靠性等优点。用以封住延展的接口。陶熙™ 902 RCS 道路用密封胶主要用于延展型接口,例如桥梁或高速公路. 陶熙™ 902 ...
产品型号:DOWSIL™ 902 RCS Joint Sealant Parts A&B 产品产地: 包装规格: 温馨提示: 由凯茵化工负责发货,并提供售后服务。 免费咨询电话:400-678-7252 点击查看价格立即获取样品 商品名称:陶氏DOW有机硅密封胶DOWSIL™ 902 RCS Joint Sealant Parts A&B ...
DOWSIL™ 890-SL Silicone Joint Sealant One-part, self-leveling silicone material that cures to an ultra-low-modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. The cured silicone rubber remains flexible from -20 to 300°F. DOWSIL™ 888 Silicone Joint Sealant One-part, non-sag sili...
Dow Corning® 890-SL: This is a one-part, cold-applied, easy-to-use, self-leveling silicon material that cures to an ultra-low-modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. The cured silicone rubber remains flexible over the entire temperature range expected in pavement ...
DOWSIL™ 890-SL Silicone Joint Sealant One-part, self-leveling silicone material that cures to an ultra-low-modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. The cured silicone rubber remains flexible from -20 to 300°F. DOWSIL™ 888 Silicone Joint Sealant ...
DOWSIL™ 890-SL Silicone Joint Sealant One-part, self-leveling silicone material that cures to an ultra-low-modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. The cured silicone rubber remains flexible from -20 to 300°F. DOWSIL™ 791 Weatherproofing Sealant ...