Doula trainings, How to Become a Doula certification and in-person doula workshops. Also offering Virtual Classes courses programs near me virtual certification Lactation Support and Lactation Educator Childbirth Educator Certification Program Labor Doul
from around $300 for a doula-in-training who needs to assist some laboring women before she gets her certification, to around $800 for an experienced doula.If she’s a well-known doula in the community and highly-sought after, expect to pay a little bit more.(The same holds true for ...
Toronto Doula Group. Your one stop for birth doulas, postpartum doulas and sleep consultants to assist you during and after your birth. Online prenatal classes available
the extent that you're both comfortable. I've had clients whose spouses were a little standoffish—they want to be helpful, but it's really hard to see someone you love in pain," shares Vanessa Hawke, certified doula at Bebo Mia, a training and mentorship organization for birth workers....
The Ultimate Training Program Package for those who want to make a Full-Time Living in Holistic End of Life Care.