Ancliffe, Abra.The Secret Astronomy of Tristram Shandy(Portland, OR: self-published, 2015). Drucker, Johanna.The Century of Artists’ Books(New York: Granary Books, 1995), pp. 33 and 162. Lazda, Gayle. “A lot of Shandy”,London Review Bookshop, 14 January 2016. Accessed 18 September 2...
Forest Stand Dynamics; John Wiley and Sons: New York, NY, USA, 1996; p. 520. 14. Puettmann, K.J.; Dodson, E.K.; Ares, A.; Berger, C.A. Short-term responses of overstory and understory vegetation to thinning treatments: A tale of two studies. In Density Management in the 21st ...
Time from branch initiation to occlusion was shorter in high density stands corresponding to reduced branch size for silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) [15]. Branch diameters in precommercially thinned redwood and Douglas-fir were 35% larger than in unthinned stands, with branches larger in ...
(1) where CEtOH and VBroth are the terminal ethanol concentration (g/L) and the volume (L) of the fermentation broth; CGlu, CMan, CXyl are glucan, mannan, and xylan content (g/kg), respectively, in untreated woody biomass; YPretreated Total Solids is the yield of total solids (in ...