Become a member to see Doug Scott Kramer's contact information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Doug Scott Kramer(I)(?–2023) Edit pageAdd to list Track Actor Credits 12 titles Past Film & Video(3 titles)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross ...
Daniel Kramer YouTube Daniel Kramer Photographer Daniel Kramer passed away in May at the age of 91. Kramer shot the cover images of Bob Dylan'sBringing It All Back Home(1964) andHighway 61 Revisited(1965), and also photographed Dylan extensively while he toured during those years. Steve Albi...
Daniel Kramer YouTube Daniel Kramer Photographer Daniel Kramer passed away in May at the age of 91. Kramer shot the cover images of Bob Dylan'sBringing It All Back Home(1964) andHighway 61 Revisited(1965), and also photographed Dylan extensively while he toured during those years. Steve Albi...
Daniel Kramer YouTube Daniel Kramer Photographer Daniel Kramer passed away in May at the age of 91. Kramer shot the cover images of Bob Dylan'sBringing It All Back Home(1964) andHighway 61 Revisited(1965), and also photographed Dylan extensively while he toured during those years. Steve Albi...
(Wendy Brown) seems a tad out of it, watching TV for the commercials whose jingles she sings along with, yet she pops into lucidity at random yet appropriate times. Neil (Chris Otterman) is both a curmudgeon and a prankster. Then there’s Kate (Jen Otterman), a former actor whose ...