From Samuel Adams, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America: If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand ...
(I later learned that another lady, whom I did not know, in a homeschool group I belonged to had attended one of these two home churches — the Wednesday church — for a while and caused lots of problems, so she was hesitant to invite others from that homeschool group.) As she was ...
our nation, and our world are finding so much to agree on, and mutual respect is becoming a hallmark of modern life — I would hope that the principals of these two fine Ipswich businesses will come together, sit down over a couple of preferred beverages, and talk through their differences...
the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) Proudly serving Mason, Loveland, Liberty Township, West Chester, Sharonville, Maineville, Lebanon, South Lebanon, Cincinnati, Blue Ash, Montgomery, Warren, Butler, Hamilton, and Clermont Counties Long time resident of the Greater Cincinnati Area Referral ...
total package to Biden’s cavalcade of regulations and diktats and controls. And when I refer to his cavalcade of oppressive and suffocating governmental edicts, I am not using a figure of speech. He has a drum major out in front of it and everything. He isproudof how he hates li...