Real Journeys Visitor Centre, Pearl Harbour, Manapouri. Open 7 days. Daily departures all year from Manapouri. 工作季节: All months of the year 地点 Real Journeys Visitor Centre, 玛纳普里, 新西兰. Terms of use© 1987–2025 HERE 2 公里 语言帮助 展示所有的书面和口头语言 发表口语 德语 ...
From Manapouri you can arrange transport to Doubtful Sound, the deepest and second longest of New Zealand's fiords.
神奇峡湾 | Doubtful Sound一般被称作神奇峡湾,由库克船长命名,以绵绵不绝的山峦和“寂静”著称,在神奇峡湾也可以看到企鹅、海豚等野生动物。神奇峡湾景色不输给[米尔福德峡湾](http:/
2、蒂阿瑙出发:Real Journeys Visitor Centre, Lakefront Drive, Te Anau (距离约30分钟车程)- 我们提供蒂阿瑙大多数酒店接送,可提供酒店地址以便接送。 3、皇后镇出发:Real Journeys Visitor Centre, Steamer Wharf, Queenstown. (距离约2.5-3小时车程) - 我们提供皇后镇大多数酒店接送,可提供酒店地址以便接送。 大多数人去的都是milford sound...
Such larger vessels as occasionally visited tended to keep to the centre of the Sound, not relying on the chart for more than guidance. 年份: 2006 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 免费下载 求助全文 国家科技图书文献中心 (权威机构) 掌桥科研 (全网免费下载) real...|46|47|-Activities|Boat+Excursions|Doubtful+Sound| ...
On the morning of our trip we packed our day packs and camera gear, parked the rental car on a backstreet in town, and headed to theReal Journeysheadquarters in Te Anau, the starting point for the tour, to meet the bus. Getting to Doubtful Sound is quite the excursion in itself, and...
As with many places in New Zealand, the journey to Milford Sound is part of the experience; it’s what makes it such a spectacular place to visit. But this also comes with another huge advantage; because it’s self-directed, you can set your own pace to Milford Sound. This is just ...