When we are selecting a variable because of its significance, we ensure that its dimension is smaller than c/√n for some number c, where n is the sample size. Therefore, with pre-testing, we ensure that, no matter what the value of δ is, the dimension of the bias is smaller than...
The press ignored the acknowledgement that Arabs and Jews are working together to battle Islamic terrorism. (some Islamic terrorism actually V) Yup. Whodathunk that helping the enemies of the house of Saud get nukes would get them to play nice with Israel? You know, except people who were p...
But perhaps of equal significance is that Japan – like the US – faced what I called both a demand-side and a supply-side problem. Japan focused solely on demand-side solutions, not on supply-side solutions. Yet demand- and supply-side problems required both demand- and supply-side ...
Potential toxicity of flavonoids and other dietary phenolics: significance for their chemopreventive and anticancer properties. Free Radic Biol Med 2004; 37:287-303. 54. Galati G, Lin A, Sultan AM, O'Brien PJ. Cellular and in vivo hepatotoxicity caused by green tea phe- nolic acids and ...
a modified method for calculating the hydrodynamic factors of rainfall runoff was proposed. Then, this method was verified with indoor and outdoor experiments. The research results not only have theoretical significance, but also provide a more accurate calculation method for the design of high and ...
The decision means scientists have too little time to study bones and other human remains of national and cultural significance.“Your current requirement that all archaeologically unearthed human remains should be reburied, whether after a standard period of two years or further special extension, ...
significance for the QIDS-SR may be due to the fact that, unlike the SDQ and CPFQ, the QIDS-SR was only administered at baseline and endpoint for each stage (making an MMRM analysis impossible). Based on these findings, the results of the present study are consistent with those reported ...
We will test for main effects of CT and PRT, as well as for the interaction term (CT × PRT) to identify isolated and combined training arm significance and effects sizes. Relationships of interest and risk factors for changes in cognitive function and other secondary outcomes will be analysed...
To detect a non-inferiority margin of 10% in seroconversion 28 days after vaccination, with a 2·5% significance level for a one-sided test, 90% power, and accounting for 5% loss to follow-up and 15% baseline yellow fever seropositivity (ie, PRNT50 titre ≥10), a sample size of 120...
sensitivity T1/20ν^ at nσ (we use hatted quantities to indicate sensitivities instead of true values), defined as the half-life corresponding to the signal that could be emulated by a background fluctuation of a chosen significance level, expressed in numbers of Gaussian standard deviations (...