When the frigate/+/person/snapshot topic is updated the API will process that image with the configured detector(s). It is recommended to increase the MQTT snapshot size in the Frigate camera config. cameras: front-door: mqtt: timestamp: False bounding_box: False crop: True quality: 100 ...
api: use camera name when using custom mqtt topic (70a4ce3) ui: enable/disable sockets on matches page (bb95e0a) 1.3.0 (2021-10-06) Features schedule to disable recognition (#115) (84235d3) ui:config: double take status is determined by sockets (65d094f) ui:config: frigate version...
When the frigate/+/person/snapshot topic is updated the API will process that image with the configured detector(s). It is recommended to increase the MQTT snapshot size in the Frigate camera config. cameras: front-door: mqtt: timestamp: False bounding_box: False crop: True quality: 100 ...