The Double Seventh Festival is what Valentine's Day to the western countries. In Chinese, it is called Qixi. As it falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the festival is named the Double Seventh Festival.
四六级热词翻译–七夕节 七夕节 Double Seventh Festival #英语 #翻译 #四六级 #每日英语 #中国文化 @抖音小助手 @抖音热点宝 @DOU+小助手 - 不是小雨(四六级翻译)于20241106发布在抖音,已经收获了1.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Qiqi Festival falls on the seventh day of seventh lunar month; thus, it is also called Double Seventh Festival. As Chinese Valentine's Day it falls on August 19, 2025.
In China, the Double Seventh Festival, or Ingenuity-begging Festival (the festival to plead for skills) falls on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. The festival originates from the legend of the loyal love between Niulang (...
Double Seventh Festival | Qixi Festival In China, the Double Seventh Festival, also called Qiqiao Festival, falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. In ancient times, it was the most romantic occasion in the traditional Chinese festival calendar and an especially important day for gi...
2023-03-30 15:34:3303:34120 所属专辑:每日英语(附中英双语文稿) 音频列表 1 转变观念有助于疗愈情感创伤 89 2023-04 2 詹妮弗.安妮斯顿:成功女性的美,由自己定义 95 2023-04 3 你关注什么,你就会成为什么 84 2023-04 4 Double seventh festival七夕节 ...
Double Seventh Festival七夕节 A farmer and a weaver live on a small farm. They love each other very much. They have two young children and one old bull. The farmer takes care of the bull. The weaver makes beautiful clothes. She uses ...
Double Seventh Festival 七夕节 522023-07 8 Double Ninth Festival重阳节 302023-07 9 Dongzhi Festival冬至 272023-07 10 The Master Archer 482023-07 查看更多 猜你喜欢 79 Double The Krazz-Double The Krazz by:嘻哈有态度 33 Double-DJ ZUXA by:情迷电音 23 Double DJ-SPAGNU by:情迷电音 525 Double...
七夕节(Double Seventh Festival),时间为每年的农历七月初七,又称七巧节、七姐节、女儿节、乞巧节等,是中国民间的传统节日,由星宿崇拜衍化而来,为传统意义上的七姐诞,因拜祭“七姐”活动在七月七晩上举行,故名“七夕”。20 - 朋源足浴用品好物推荐0371于20240810发
Double Seventh Festival L O V E 年轻有Young 不负七夕 Double Seventh Festival 此次联谊活动,为我县青年干部职工提供了一个相识、相知的机会。下一步,团县委将持续发挥共青团联系青年的桥梁和纽带作用,聚焦青年多样化需求,创新活动形式与内容,为青年搭建展现自我、拓宽交际的平台,切实服务广大青年,吸引广大青年扎根安...