Double 3 is a self-driving, two-wheeled videoconferencing robot that revolutionizes the way you work or learn remotely. With more and more employers allowing flexible or remote schedules, these hybrid offices and hybrid classrooms need tools designed for this environment. Double 3 is the ultimate ...
Technology is changing how we work. In the future, more of us get to telecommute to work and enjoy flexible work hours. Devices such as Double Robotics
The Calendar tool enables you and your team to reserve a robot, just like you would reserve a conference room. Everyone on your team has access to reserve the robots that they have access to. See both user-based reservations and Visitor Passes on the same calendar. All users will see a ...
500, and requiring the investment of at least another $500 to function, Double Robotics' Double telepresence robot fits squarely into that category. Itispretty fun to watch, though
Double Robotics says Double is ideal for remote workers who frequently need to interact with co-workers in an office. But there was one question my fellow co-workers kept asking: Why use a telepresence robot in the first place when FaceTime, Google Hangout, Skype, and other...
Double Robotics Designed for iPad 5.0 • 1 Rating Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Double is a telepresence robot that enables you to drive around a remote location while on a video call from anywhere over the internet. This app is for both the robot iPad and the driver iPad. ...
Double Robotics, maker of bare-bones and comparatively inexpensive telepresence robots, just announced Double 2 at CES, its biggest product launch to date. With some needed improvements, this entry-level telepresence solution may be the product to blow the category wide open. ...
The Double Robotics Double telepresence robot made its debut at last year’s Macworld/iWorld, with a small generic booth, one robot, and a couple of company representatives. Things seem to have changed for the better for the firm: they have a much bigger booth with m...
NVIDIA purchased a telepresence robot from Double Robotics so that non-essential designers sheltering at home could maintain daily contact with work onSelene, the world’s seventh-fastest computer. Some customers who use it say it breaks down communication barriers for remote workers, with the physic...
Double Robotics DoubleThe article evaluates the Double telepresence robot from Double Robotics.LOYOLA, ROMANMacworld