Emmerink et al.,2017) to be able to assess the complete range of possible SDS-norms from reversed to traditional. The original SASSY could not distinguish between people with reversed and egalitarian sexual standards, because both groups of people would (strongly) disagree with the items that ar...
We found that the mRNA levels of these dsx genes range from seven to forty fold greater in males than in females (Figure 5). Our results indicate that the sexual dimorphic mRNA expression patterns of dsx are conserved among daphniids and Moina. Figure 5 Relative transcriptional expression ...
(a–c) Male and female mosquitoes heterozygous for thedsxFCRISPRhallele (a) were analyzed in crosses with wild-type mosquitoes to assess the inheritance bias of thedsxFCRISPRhdrive construct (b) and for the effect of the construct on their reproductive phenotype (c). (b) Scatter plot of ...
Aging in an infinite-range Hamiltonian system of coupled rotators The scaling law strongly suggests that the system behaves in a complex way, relaxing towards equilibrium through intricate trajectories. The present results ... MA Montemurro,FA Tamarit,C Anteneodo - 《Physical Review E Statistical ...
Our study is the first to elucidate comprehensively the role of Masc and Bmdsx in the sexual differentiation of a wide range of sexually dimorphic traits including germ cells, gonads, internal reproductive organs, and the external genitalia. The expression of BmdsxF in Masc-R females homozygous ...
encoding the OD2 domain contains 3.5 kb of upstream sequence; this is well within the range of intron sizes present between the two domains in dipterandsxgene models34,35,36, thus it remains possible the two domains are linked and were recovered on separate contigs of a fragmented assembly...
This file contains numbers in the range from -128 to +128. Most input lines look like this: 52.038048000000117.CPU: Apple M2 Max OS: Mac OS X, 14.7, 12 processors available VM: Java 23, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Azul Systems, Inc., 23.0.1+11 -XX:CompileCommand=inline,java/lang/...
Strings in double quotes interpolate variables and a wide range of escape sequences. Note: Use curly braces {} to include complex variables or in case when next character after a variable is a valid character for a variable name. Example: echo "Start with a simple string"; e...
On .NET Core 3.0 and later versions, no exception is thrown when s is out of range of the Double data type. In most cases, the Parse(String, IFormatProvider) method will return Double.PositiveInfinity or Double.NegativeInfinity. However, there is a small set of values that are considered...
); } catch (OverflowException) { Console.WriteLine("The value you entered, {0}, is out of range.", inp); } } while (!done); Remarks The ToString() method formats a Double value in the default ("G", or general) format of the current culture. If you want to specify a ...