Looks like double quotes in custom SQL query, can't be escaped. Sample query for Postgres: -- getAllBrands.sql Select brand_id as "brandId", brand_name as "brandName" from <Confidential>; type Query { getAllBrands(userName: String!): [DBrand] @sql(reference: "getAllBrands") @auth...
’ that is delimited with the help of single quotes, and the string literal value contains the word 2’nd that has a single quote in itself. Now, we have to retrieve the string value as the output of the select query in SQL. We will use the simple select statement to do so. ...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: Create Index Returns: ORA-01452: Cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; Duplicate Keys Found When Double Quot
4 SQLCHAR 0 15 "\"\r\n" 3 Sal "" I also recommend that since your data (and the first and last quotes are actually a part of the data) can be variable width, that you NOT specify the exact column width you're looking for. Let the datatype of the columns ...
But maybe you want double single quotes, ''? Please sign in to rate this answer. 0 comments No comments Report a concern Sign in to comment MelissaMa-MSFT 24,176 Reputation points Nov 30, 2020, 3:05 PM Hi @Sudip Bhatt , We recommend you to post your xml and expected...
SQL server query - Update the json attribute in a column query updating double quotes and back slash Hi, i have written an update query to update a specific attribute(orderstatus) with value ({ "Packing":{"status":"completed}, "Shipping":{"status":"Completed"}) if its n...
vs7804, there was a suggestion earlier to just find/replace in the file before importing, that's one option, or the derived column as suggested just above. Lastly, you could just import the double quotes into the table, then clean it up there, something like: ...
In standard sql single quotes are for values and double quotes are for identities like column names. Although sqlite does support double quote values this seems to have changed in 3.41.0. I have sqlite 3.41.0 installed and when this extension uses it, I get the following error when I try...
A string in VBA requires the Double-Quote (") to delimit it. Single-Quotes (') won't work. A string in SQL can use either in most circumstances. The ANSI standard for SQL specifies that it should be a Single-Quotes ('), but MS Access, in its wisdom, decided to be more flexible...
remove double quotes while importing data in SQL database Remove Duplicates in SSIS package REMOVE DUPLICATES OF A TABLE WITH OUT SORT remove time stamp from datetime value in a column Remove unwanted columns in flat file before loading to table remove whitespace within a string before import Remo...