1Fortran 2003 2IBM 扩展 attr_spec 有关特定属性规则的详细信息,请参阅同一名称的语句。 intent_spec 是IN,OUT或INOUT :: 是双冒号分隔符。 指定属性时使用双冒号分隔符,= initialization_expr或=>NULL() array_spec 是维度边界的列表 entity_decl ...
double precision就是双精度型数据。fortran里面双精度型数据有三种表示形式:1、小数 3.12345_8 (8为kind值,就代表双精度)2、d指数 3.12d-12 (代表3.12*10的-12次方,为双精度值,不允许再制定king值)3、e指数 -234E-5_8(8为kind值,就代表双精度)double precision [英][ˈd...
double precision就是双精度型数据。fortran里面双精度型数据有三种表示形式:1、小数 3.12345_8 (8为kind值,就代表双精度)2、d指数 3.12d-12 (代表3.12*10的-12次方,为双精度值,不允许再制定king值)3、e指数 -234E-5_8(8为kind值,就代表双精度)
DOUBLE PRECISION TheDOUBLEPRECISIONstatement specifies the type to be double precision, and optionally specifies array dimensions and initializes with values. DOUBLEPRECISIONv[/c/][,v[/c/]... Parameter Description v Name of a symbolic constant, variable, array, array declarator, function, or ...
Fortran里面的一些问题我有一个老程序,里面有几个部分是读数到一个数组中,以前的数组不是动态的,大致类似于这样的定义:DOUBLE PRECISION US_T1(NX,NY,NZ),US_T2(NX,NY,NZ)其中NX,NY,NZ都是提前定义好的PARAMETER (NX=33,NY=56,NZ=64)现在我想改成动态数组,于是出现问题了,我是这么修改的:DOUBLE PRECISIO...
1fortran循环程序程序错在哪里?program randomimplicit nonedouble precision t,wi,Ptinteger i,mparameter(m=10)do i=1,mreal ::xcall random_seed () call random_number (x) wi=0.1t=-log(x)/wiPt=wi*exp(t*wi)write(*,*) i,t,Ptend doend program random本来real ::x放do前面可以运行,但是输出...
like in fortran powerstation (4.0) we have an option settings->code generation->default real kind( here we can set the type of real data type). similarly how can we set double precision to the real variable in fortran 11 compiler.Thanks in advance. 翻译 标记: Intel® Fortra...
【题目】一段fortran 程序,用于生成随机数,哪里出 问题了 real* 8 function random) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) commonrandom s/x x=dmod(x*1953125d0,8388593d0) random =(x+0.1d0)/8388593d0 return end block data real8 x commonrandom s/x data/235621d0/ end block data 另外,问题是...
Double precision FORTRAN subroutines to compute both ordinary and modified bessel functions of the first kind and of integer order with arbitrary complex argument: Jn( x + jy) and On( x + jy)The use of ultrasound to convey data from one side of a metallic wall to the other side is ...
Hi, I ported fortran code from fortran power station(4.0) to fortran 11(2003) version. For maintaining double/real values from old to new compiler, I