matlab中读取图片后保存的数据是uint8类型(8位无符号整数,即1个字节),以此方式存储的图像称作8位图像,相比较matlab默认数据类型双精度浮点double(64位,8个字节)可以节省存储空间。详细来说imread把灰度图像存入一个8位矩阵,当为RGB图像时,就存入8位RGB矩阵中。例如,彩色图像像素大小是400*300( 高 * 宽 ),则保...
在一开始,矩阵J的数据类型为double, 在进行了下面的反转运算后,J中的值的取值范围为[0 255] ,下面我们再看一下imshow函数的一段说明: [html]view plaincopyprint? <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 16px">% If your grayscale image is single or double, the default display range is % [0 1]. If your im...
Open in MATLAB Online There are 2 ways of converting an image to double format: 1. Using im2double() function: double_images=[]; fori=1:length(images) img = imread(images{i});% read the image double_images(i) = im2double(img);% convert the image to double ...
Why do we transfer the image into double?. Learn more about image processing, double Image Processing Toolbox
An image that has 280 columns and 424 rows, how can I double the size of it without using imresize, double or kron? 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 이 질문에 답변하려면 로그인하십시오.답변 (1개) Dishant Arora...
把后两句这样改:Gx = conv2(basis(1,:),basis(2,:)');Gy = conv2((basis(2,:)),(basis(1,:))');
%image BW.B is a p_by_1 cell array,where p is the number of objects in the %image.Each cell contains a Q_by_2 matrix,each row of which contains the %row and column coordinates of a boundary pixel.Q is the number of boundary ...