Deque is a double-ended queue that allows us to add/remove elements from both the ends i.e. front and rear, of the queue. Deque can be implemented using arrays or linked lists. However, we also have a Standard Template Library (STL) class which implements the various operations of the ...
If you have ever used the C++ Standard Template Library, you will know how useful the deque (double-ended queue, pronounced "deck") type is. If you have never used STL, or C++ for that matter, a deque allows you to store elements in an array-like structure, then work with either ...
可以用stl中的map 因为map本身就根据key的值排了序 对应2,3 我们只需要输出最大或最小就行了并从map中删除该键值 #include<cstdio> #include using namespace std; map<int, int> a; int main() { map<int, int>::iterator it; int n,k,p; while (scanf ("%d", &n), n) { if (n == 1...
思路:虽然是个SBT的裸题,不过用set也是可以水过的 #include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<set> #include<vector> using namespace std; int main() { set<pair<int,int> >s; set<pair<int,int> >::iterator it; int p,k,n; while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF && n) { i...
POJ 3481 Double Queue(STL) 题意 模拟银行的排队系统 有三种操作 1-加入优先级为p 编号为k的人到队列 2-服务当前优先级最大的 3-服务当前优先级最小的 0-退出系统 能够用stl中的map 由于map本身就依据key的值排了序 相应2。3 我们仅仅须要输出最大或最小即可了并从map中删除该键值...
对于STL,现在基本也只会priority queue, set, heap, map还基本没怎么写过,只能应付应付比赛的时候最基本的用法。。。 这题用set,C++比G++快一倍,282Ms,有点慢,不过代码量很少~~ //Problem: 3481 User: Uriel //Memory: 840K Time: 282MS //Language: C++ Result: Accepted ...
【C++STL/红黑树】POJ 3481 DoubleQueue POJ 3481 Double Queue 描述: 新成立的BIG-Bank在不切雷斯特开了一间新办公室,使用了由IBM罗马尼亚的现代计算机办公环境,运用了现代信息技术.一般来说,银行的每个顾客都有一个识别码K,并且每一个来银行的顾客都会被给予一个优先级P.银行主管的一个大胆想法震惊了公司的...
EDIT: ended up using 2.1.3 but with this workaround:#1235 (comment) Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link stereodeniscommentedAug 6, 2022 @KrisLauI have no sound in videos on android with the workaround from the comment Sorry, something went wrong. ...
queue<int> q,q2[maxn]; string s; while(cin>>s) { if(s[0]=='S') break; else if(s[0]=='E'){ int a; scanf("%d",&a); int t=team[a]; if(q2[t].empty()) q.push(t); q2[t].push(a); }else if(s[0]=='D'){ ...