双叹号 Emoji ‼ U+203C 复制 下载 PNG SVG 表情符號的含義 双叹号. 常用标点. 符号「双叹号」 包含在 「常用标点」 块的 「豎排文字的雙標點符號」 子块中,并在1993年作为Unicode版本1.1的一部分获得批准。在2015年,它还在版本1.0中被批准为表情符号,并被添加到 「符号」 类别的 「标点」 子...
The "Double Exclamation Mark" emoji ‼ is designed as two red exclamation marks side by side, and is universally recognized as a symbol for added emphasis, urgency, or surprise, especially when you want to make a strong point or draw attention to something. The ‼ emoji is used to ...
Copy and Paste This Emoji: ‼️ Share this‼️Double Exclamation Mark emoji on: https://emojiguide.com/symbols/double-exclamation-mark/ Url Copied! This Double Exclamation Mark Is Also Known As: double exclamation emoji double exclamation point emoji ...
流线型表情图标(Streamline-Emoji-icons) 双感叹号(double exclamation mark) 资源编号 :42086097 格式:png,svg 文件体积 :12k 下载量 :22 相关主题 :感叹号 爱给网提供海量的图标库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为png,svg 格式的双感叹号(double exclamation mark), 本站编号42086097, 该图标库素材大小为12k, 该素...
else, it’s not, it’s just the seemingly random quote style assigned to some Macs during the upgrade process. There have been some claims that this only occurred on Macs that were upgraded afterEmoji charactershad been used in OS X, but that hasn’t been confirmed and seems fairly ...
‼️ 双感叹号 意思