The meaning of DOUBLE TOP is a market rise on the stock exchange characterized by two successive high points and regarded by chart readers as a prelude to a decline.
double top的含义可能有两种解读:一、计算机编程中的解读 在编程语境中,特别是在处理数值计算时,“double”常常用来表示双精度浮点数数据类型。而“top”可能是一个变量名或是某个数据结构的标识。所以,“double top”可能是指一个名为“top”的双精度浮点...
在编程语境中,double top可能指的是一种数据类型的使用方式。这里的“double”通常指的是双精度浮点数,是一种在计算机中用于表示实数的数据类型。而“top”可能表示某种特定的操作或位置。但没有具体的上下文,很难准确判断其含义。二、非计算机语境中的表达:在非计算机领域,doubl...
double top double tops double up double vision double whammy Double window double-acting double-aspect theory double-bank Double-banked double-barreled double-barrelled double-bass Double-beat valve double-bedded double-bind double-bitted ax
A double top is an extremely bearish technical reversal pattern that forms after a stock makes two consecutive peaks.
双顶形态是一种图表模式,在图表价格两次触及阶段高点,并在第二次尝试上破高点阻力时未能突破的时候形成。 该形态包括两个几乎相同水平的K线价格峰值和峰值之间略低的一个峰谷。 连接两个峰值高点的线是应该几乎水平的阻力线。 该形态看上去象一个“M”形,其通常被认为是一种看跌反转图表形态。 两个价格峰值之间的...
The meaning of DOUBLE TOP is a market rise on the stock exchange characterized by two successive high points and regarded by chart readers as a prelude to a decline.
双顶(Double Top)是技术分析中常见的看跌形态,通常出现在价格上升趋势的末端,预示趋势可能反转。其核心特征为两个相近的高点及颈线跌
《Double Top》是由Karen主演的一部短片。剧情简介 Two fifteen minute films from SGH. In the first part Holly and Red take it in turns to pin their male opponent whilst counting to ten. In the second part Red feels confident enough to take her opponent on on her own Her confidence proves ...