The chicken? The Sake? I placed my hands upon the electronically heated seat of the Japanese washlet and began to dry heave. No barf. I felt like Barfing. But nope. My body wouldn’t let me. I felt better though and went back to bed. Daisy told me in the AM that they made the...
Because the chicken does not have as much flavor as pork, I found doubling the recipe (use the same amounts above for 1 pound of ground chicken or turkey instead of for 2 pounds) worked really well. Next time I will reduce the salt to 1 teaspoon, as 1.5 teaspoons was too much for ...
not even McD’s cheeseburgers by Wed. I took him to the vet and he pretty much told me to put him to sleep (Kago, not the vet), he found a ‘growth’ in his abdomen.